The View from Waldo’s Window Blog

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    June is “Adopt a Cat Month”

    Jun 23 2015

    Hello again – Waldo here! I just found out the June is “Adopt a Cat Month” and I have some friends here at the clinic that are looking for homes. …

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    Aching Bones … Better!

    Jun 01 2015

    So, where was I? Oh, yes … Arthritis.  You may remember that I told you all about the over-the-counter things that the doctors tried making me eat in order to…

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    Oh, these aching bones

    Apr 27 2015

    My goodness, I am achy today!  I tell you what, getting old is the pits.  I remember when I could jump strait up to the top of the microwave with…

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    Welcome to the Window

    Apr 20 2015

      Hi!  I’m Waldo.  I’ve been here at the Watertown Animal Hospital since 2002 and I’ve seen a lot of things from my windows.  The older I get, the more…